We are problem solvers

Commercial, Office & Industrial jobs that require a unique cleaning solution.

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Surface Cleaning

Fire Hall

Resurfacing a floor in a busy functioning fire hall while computers and electricity remained on.

Designing a portable high-pressure, high-heat surface cleaner with vacuum recovery that immediately removed water from the area and recaptured every drop to clean and dry the floor simultaneously.

Services Used

Hot High Pressure Surface Cleaner with Vacuum Recovery


Garneau Theatre

Removing decades-old paint from the historical Garneau Theatre without compromising the integrity of the original brick.

Extensive research and testing of chemicals, the careful manipulation of heat and pressure, plus a delicate touch allowed us to remove over 20 layers of paint without damaging the substrate of Edmonton’s beloved theatre – all while containing and collecting waste water for proper disposal.

Services Used

Specialized Services
Municipal Cleaning & Restoration Projects
Post Construction Cleanup

Fort McMurray Wildfire Clean-up

Fort McMurray wildfires

The 2016 wildfires devastated the city of Fort McMurray, leaving buildings covered with smoke damage, soot, ash, fire- retardant, and millions of more dollars worth in damages.

We washed over 1,600 houses and businesses, working around the clock in a coordinated effort to safely and effectively allow residents to return to their homes. It was all hands on deck rotating crews’ PPE, flying staff in and out, and keeping our team housed and fed for the duration of the job.

Services Used

Disaster & Contamination Response Cleanup

West Edmonton Mall Ice Palace Dome

West Edmonton Mall Ice Palace Dome

True story – in 2007, when everyone else said decades of bird droppings, dirt, and debris on the iconic glass dome over the West Edmonton Mall Ice Palace couldn’t be cleaned, we took on the challenge.

We pulled the blueprints and sent them to Toronto to consult with safety engineers and design a system that allowed us to work safely on top of the glass structure. We built special ladders to help span the curvature of the dome and surface area, while using mechanical devices with rotating brushes driven by water (designed by us) to reach the top areas not accessible by our technicians.

Services Used

Specialized Services
Mobile Pressure Washing

Alberta Provincial Legislature

Taste of Edmonton at the Alberta Provincial Legislature

The LRT expansion at Churchill Square in 2019 moved Taste of Edmonton to the Legislature Plaza. While this provided a beautiful and dramatic setting for the festival, it quickly became clear that the sand grouting in between tens of thousands of tiles would make using our typical high pressure surface cleaner impossible.

Tile by tile. It took patience, meticulous planning, and constant communication with Events Edmonton and the Alberta Government creating a clean-up plan that took all factors into account to return the plaza in a better condition than we found it.

Services Used

Pre & Post Festival / Events Cleaning
Mobile Pressure Washing

Blue Water Wash - Washbot

Steve’s Livestock Transport & Blue Water Wash

Providing proper equipment needed to speed up commercial truckwash operations, while adhering to sanitation protocol required for hauling livestock.

The COVID-19 outbreak at the Cargill meat-packing plant in Alberta has brought sanitation concerns surrounding livestock and industrial disinfecting into the public eye. Every trailer used for livestock transport must be washed after every use to keep the supply chain clean and guarantee the health and safety of consumers, farms, and workers.

Services Used

Fleet Washing
Mobile Pressure Washing


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